Kamis, 11 April 2013

The fourth task

Diposting oleh Poppy Brillia di 19.19

Nama              : Poppy Brillia Safitri
NPM                : 25210530
Kelas               : 3EB03
Matkul            : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis#

Should goverment spend more money on imporving roads and high ways or should goverment spend more money on improting public transportation, why? use spesific reasons and details to develop your essay.


The first step the government should be able to see potential areas for development of the area supported berpontensi population growth on transportation so that the government can stabilize the budget expenditures for public transportation.

The second step the government should also work with investors for the development of roads and land transport, for example toll roads, jembata, monorail, busway, and trains. Thus the government should not spend too much budget so that the growth of the population of an area to stabilize the economy.

Step three participating communities and governments to build and maintain facilities for transport and public roads.

And I hope that if the government coined the three steps the public transport and the road can be used by the community, MAGs back the years increasing population growth and increased private vehicle anyway.

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